Orthodox American Church

Mission Statement

In keeping with the Mandate given to ++James Toombs (thrice Blessed) upon the occasion of his Elevation to the Sacred Episcopate ~We continue the Mission Blessed by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ~ to bring Orthodox Christianity to the English-speaking Citizens of these United States of America ~ to be a Blessing to All of God's Children in the New Millennium with no Controversy and no Compromise. We were born as the American Orthodox Autonomous Archdiocese and have matured and flourished into The Orthodox American Church an Autonomous Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. Our Mission is to continue the Orthodox American Church as ++James Toombs intended, a Mission founded upon the Eastern Rite, endeavoring to pick up the thread of Early Christianity in as much as its adherents are followers of the True Way.

Orthodox American Church

The Spiritual Path

The spiritual path of the Orthodox American Church is first and foremost the Way of Christ, the mystical interpretation of the New Testament with prayerful reading of and meditation on the Psalms. The New Testament life of Mystical Christianity is depicted through the various iconographic representations located on the Tree of Life Cross. Through meditation and prayer on the Way of the Holy Cross, consciousness is raised and opened to eternal Truth and eventual clarity of life, wherein the Truth will set you free.

Ephesians 5:14
Awake thou that sleepiest,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee

"The Perfect Way"
o wanderers upon life's way,
know ye not that there is
a perfect way - the way of Christ?
There you will cease to
wander in sickness and fear.
There the Light of God shall
appear to you, and you will
become sons of the Most High.
His heavenly Light shall light your path.
You will no longer be in darkness,
but your nights shall all be turned into days.

Colossians 3:11
Christ is All, and in all.

Orthodox American Church